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15th July

At long last the courgettes have started to come on really fast and should be in the nets weekly, another crop that we should be harvesting daily is the Cucumbers, they need constant work now with tying up and taking of side shoots weekly.

Other crops out in the fields that are coming on at long last is the Leeks, which we have finished bed weeding and the field Beetroot, which last week we managed to almost finish weeding, hopefully this week we will get them finished weeding with the bed weeder,  then it will be back to the brassicas crops again.

We have already been over the brassicas crops with the bed weeder, but the Pigeons came in for a feast, and we had to cover the crop with nett, so next week we will need to take the nett of and weed again, and after each row we will need to be re covered with the nett again, before the pigeons swoop back in for a feast again.

Its now a job we need to get in to next as we are now starting to harvest Kale and some of the summer cabbage isn’t far away from needing harvested.                                                            In the tunnels most of the crops are doing great now, with summer here now, but one crop we are struggling with, is the salad bag crop, usually we get at least a couple of cuts of off the salad leaves but this year there seems to be some bug that is enjoying the salad leaves, and is munching away at it.

So we are sowing the salad seeds every other week, so we can at least get one good cut off of each sowing.

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