organic blog
  • 15th July

    Last week on the farm was mostly spent weeding out in the field.

    I spent a couple of on the weeding machine, weeding in front of the bed weeding

    It took a couple of days for me on the...

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  • 8th July

    Last week we managed to plant the eight thousand cabbage and kohl rabi plants in the field.

    The weather stayed dry although not as warm as what July should really be.

    We also managed to...

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  • 1st July

     Another week of mixed weather, tail end of the week was windy and cold, lucky we have all the squash plants under a nice cosy fleece.

    I have talked before about brassicas plants, and how...

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  • 24th June

    This week’s newsletter might not be the best one I have ever done.

    Its Sunday night 7.30pm and the Scotland game is not far away from starting.

    Last week’s work did not go...

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  • 17th June

    Last week at long last managed we managed to get the last of the squash plants planted.

    We now only have the over winter crops to go in.

    We will plant a few thousand late cabbages next...

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  • 10th June

    At the end of last week’s newsletter, I was on about trying to get the mulch film put down so we could get started planting the squash plants.

    I had been waiting from Wednesday that week...

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  • 3rd June

    Bellfield stories at this time of the year always start off with the weather of the week.

    Most of our work at this time of the year, is revolved around field work.

    If it is to wet then...

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  • 27th May

    Another good start to the week with nice dry weather, finishing of with the end of the week pouring with rain yet again.

    But we did get nearly all off the late leeks planted.

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  • 20th May

     It has been a great week of weather and work.

    We now have all the cucumbers in and two hundred and fifty courgettes in the tunnel.

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  • 13th May

    After last week and getting all the brassicas planted, I thought that was us on the way to getting the planting season fully on its way.

    But Sunday night and in came more heavy rain.

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