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27th May

The Cucumbers that we got planted earlier than usual this year have flowers on them already, it was a wee trial, as we had been given the greenhouse, so we managed to bring them on one month earlier than usual, with the greenhouse we have managed to keep the temperature over 15 degrees, which helps bring these plants on.

We wouldn’t have even thought about starting these till the first week in May, just incase the temperature dropped.

It was a wet start to the week so we couldn’t get on with any field planting, so we managed to get tunnel work done, we planted two and a half thousand Rubi Chard, two thousand lettuce, three thousand Kohl Rabi, two thousand five hundred Fennel and are half way through planting five thousand different varieties of turnip, we will get the rest of these finished this Monday.

By Thursday the field had dried out just enough for me to get in and bedform the ground for sowing the Swede and Beetroot seeds, and on Friday we got these planted, just about one acre.

This week looks like its going to be wet again, hopefully it isn’t as we need to finish of planting the sixty thousand winter Leeks, then bedform more ground for planting the ten thousand Courgette and Squash plants, and we need to get the brush weeder going and go through the already planted Onions and Leeks.

If the ground is just a wee bit to wet for doing any work on it we will get the Bed weeder on and go through the Onion and Leek crops, and continue with tunnel work.

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