4th February
Last week I had been talking about seed germination, and that the Leeks and onion seed’s take forever to germinate. Well with all the unseasonal temperatures that we have been having, some...
February 25th
As I was saying last week, we have loads of seeds in trays that have germinated, and would be needing some water, I did get the pump re located after our pump shed got flattened, and all the tunnels...
February 18th
Not a lot of news for this week’s newsletter, as I was off with Erin and Calum on Wednesday and Thursday with school Holidays.
So on Wednesday, we made the most of the poor...
February 11th 2019
With the weather last week being a bit milder, the first job that was needing done, was to water all the trays that Rab had sown with seeds.
February 4th 2019
Its been another cold week, with temperatures at the end of the week going down to minus 10, but it’s been windless, and sunny, braw for working outside in.