27th February
Last week Rab finished of blocking the eighty thousand onion seeds, and made a start on the eighty thousand early leek seeds, these will be finished early this week, then it will be onto the brassicas...
20th February
One job I still had to do, was fire up the water pump, and checking the irrigation.
Rab now has started our eighty thousand onions seeds. And these will be set out in one of the main tunnels,...
13th February
This week we prepared two tunnels, for the start of the huge volumes of seeds we are just away to start blocking.
Each tunnel is fifty meters by eight meters wide.
6th February
One job we still have to finish is getting the new tunnel sheeted.
We had to order another tunnel after last Januarys storms.
We lost the polythene of off, four tunnels, and one was completely...