organic blog
  • 6th May

    What a change with a bit of heat one week makes.

    By the end of last week, we had all the brassica’s plants out of the tunnel.

    A total of twenty-nine thousand plants, all sitting...

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  • April 29th

    With a wee bit of heat this week, the blocked plants in the tunnels have shot on.

    They are not all needing to go outside to harden of just yet, but the spring Cabbage, savoy cabbage, kale and...

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  • 22nd April


     At long last the weather has changed.

    The high-pressure weather system did arrive, bringing dry weather and wind ye ha.

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  • 15th April


    That has been another week of sunshine and heavy showers.

    At least the heat has got up a wee bit and the tunnel crops are coming on.

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  • 8th April

    We are now playing a waiting game with the weather.

    It has been wet and the field is really soaking wet.

    We have had another week of rain, plus on Friday morning we had a dump of snow.


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  • 1st April

    At this time of the year, we always have two tunnels full of blocked seeds in trays.

    These are all the plants ready for planting in the field in May.

    There are around two thousand trays.                                                                                                  

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  • 25th March

    Last week was a bit of a stop start week for me at the farm.

    Monday started of as per normal, loads of harvesting and plans for the week’s jobs.

    After harvesting I had to go to Perth...

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  • 18th March

    Over the last few weeks I have been walking through the winter cauliflower, just keeping an eye on when they would be ready for harvesting

    Every week it looked like they are almost ready.


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  • March 4th

    I had a wee walk through the winter Cauliflower this week, and they are looking Braw, I had to peel back a few leaves, but the cauliflower is looking good.

    We should be harvesting them in a couple...

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  • 26th February

    Last week we made a start on blocking the onions, we only have twenty thousand of the fifty thousand seeds in, the rest will be in by the end of the week.

    We always do the onions first, followed...

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