organic blog
  • 7th October

     We are into October already, that has been a fast year, although I do think I say that every year.

    And it’s coming to Pumpkin time again,  last week I was walking through the...

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  • 30th September

    This year I have been looking at solar powered bed weeders, but they are really pricey, and come in at thirty thousand pounds,

    But they would save a fortune on diesel, and will greatly reduce...

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  • 23rd September

     It’s always seemed strange that when the season is coming near a end, and the weather is getting cooler, that the Cucumbers and Chillies take on a huge growth spurt.

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  • 16th September

    This week I was on the van delivering as Neil was on holiday, and it was entertaining trying to follow sat nav instructions.

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  • 9th September

    We had a extra busy week this week, with our yearly attendance at the Dundee Flower Show. We have never managed to sell veg at any shows we attend, so we use these events for displaying our produce...

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  • 2nd September

    Last week I had a wee look at the pumpkin crop, just like the Squash crop, the plants are huge, and have loads of stalks and huge leaves, some of the stalks are over ten feet in length, which means...

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  • 19th August

     It’s almost the time of the year for the start of our Squash, the squash plants are enormous this year with all the wet warm weather.

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  • 12th August

    The onions are getting bigger now with all this rain, this is now the third week that we have been harvesting them, and as we dress them in the field, our eyes are streaming, we were asked if they were...

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  • 5th August

      This week we started harvesting the savoy cabbages, and they are looking great, we are almost getting 100% cut, so they have obviously loved this warm and thundery weather.

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  • 29th July

    In April I had Mustard and clover sown in the top of the field, this part of the field is get left as set aside this year, which is part of our crop rotation.

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