organic blog
  • 30th April

    At Long last I managed to get the tunnel re sheeted, on Monday I hired a digger in and I dug the trench out around the tunnel for the polythene to get trenched in, then it was a waiting came for some...

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  • 23rd April

    As I was saying last week we have started blocking of the Courgette, Pumpkin and Sweetcorn seeds, and as I have said before they grow at a amazing speed, we blocked the first of them of on the 16th...

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  • 16th April

    At long last the weather is starting to heat up and the tunnels are getting warm, This week we will be starting to harvest our Pak Choy from one tunnel and the Kohl rabi, Lettuce and Spinach is looking...

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  • 9th April

    At the start of last week we had more snow and freezing temperatures, but by Thursday it was at 11 degrees and the tunnels were getting really hot at long last.
    I was of with Calum and Erin last...

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  • 2nd April

    We have had a busy week planting in the big 90 metre this week, in that we have planted five thousand Kohl Rabi, three thousand red Little gem Lettuce and I direct sowed around twenty thousand Spinach,...

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  • 26th March

    Last week I posted a photo of the early Pandora leeks, This week i'v posted another and you will see the massive difference just one week of the tunnels heating up makes, and the rest of the seeds in...

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  • 19th March

    The early Pandora leeks have germinated at last, they usually do take a wee while anyway but this year they have taken longer than usual, not really surprising with the temperatures that we have been...

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  • 12th March

    Our wind break has taken a beating from the recent weather which had been called the beast from the east, and last week was spent between harvesting blocking seeds and dismantling the damaged, broken,...

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  • 5th March

    Well this week i'm busy skiing in France, but I though i'd post a couple of photos to let you see how much the seeds are coming on and how many trays we have in the tunnel at the moment waiting to germinate.

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  • 26th February

    All the news this week has been about a very cold spell coming our way from this week on, and lasting for three weeks, we now have over one hundred thousand seeds blocked, seventy thousand are in the...

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